søndag den 27. oktober 2013

F i g h t e r s

Fighter stands up against the others.
Fighters, fights for what they want.
Fighters does not give up.
When you try to turn down a fighter they will come back stronger than ever
They know what they want and can do, they are are dangorous target.
But why even do it? 
why even take down others? 
I can't stand to watch how some people treats other 
or how some people talk about each other. 

This probably does not make any sense because i am tired

mandag den 21. oktober 2013

Jamie Campell Bower - Better Man

I cant stop listening to this song
his voice is just amazing 
the way he sings and the sound of the guitar 
is just lovely 
Seriously if you haven´t heard it yet

- Plus he is super Extreamly hot -

søndag den 20. oktober 2013

l i f e

Lately i´ve been hating on life
To much to think and take care of
Life outside my door should just go away for a while
I dont want to have anything to do with anything atm 
I just want to be alone 

SO LIFE GOODBYE.. seya next week

torsdag den 10. oktober 2013

F r i d a y

Its gonna be a trippy friday tomorrow 
Looking forward to it 
Have a good evening 
and have a good friday 

tirsdag den 8. oktober 2013

K i l l H e r

It would be a joy without her
A world i would live in 
But yet she is still here 
Kill her 
Kill her 
Kill her 
Someone hear my prayers
Make her go away 
forever so i don´t have to look at her face

fredag den 4. oktober 2013

W h e r e D o I B e l o n g

Sometimes i think about where i belong 
Where is the road i need to take
Why do people judge me without knowing me
A family is suppose to back you up
They have to be there if everything goes wrong
If everything falls apart you only need them
What do you do when they wont help
When they are against your plans 
The look they give you
full of disappointment and anger
I wish to get support 
I wish to see a look from them that don´t judge me
I want them to think i´m grown up now

If just parents could see what their kids wanted and what their plans are. So they could understand what their kids heart is beating for. 
In my situations I want them to look at me and think, she knows what she is doing. she don´t need us to judge her she just need us here to support her. I´m 18 almost 19 I can and are making my own decisions. but holding some of them back because they are holding a "lock" on me. they are not letting go. i´m still their little girl in their eyes. but they have to get out of the fog and see clear i´m growing.